****************************************************************************** GNU-CIM-3.33 port for 32bit Windows (v. Beta1) (ported by Petr Novak 2000) Simula compiler through the C language (Mingw32 - GNU-C v.2.8.1) ************************ Installation notes ********************************* 1) Unpack the cim.zip to an arbitrary folder using WinZip (including pathes). (Let's assume C:\cim) 2) Set environment variables: * If you are running Windows 95/98 add this command to your C:\Autoexec.bat: call C:\cim\bin\Cimset95.bat C:\cim * If you are running Windows NT run the command (in DOS prompt): C:\cim\bin\CimsetNT.exe C:\cim 3) RESTART YOUR COMPUTER (and call eg. 'cim blabla.sim' to compile your blabla) 4) NOTE FOR 95/98 USERS !!! If cim doesn't work (it could be caused by a small environment space) add the following line to your C:\Config.sys: SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /E:2048 /P (for more install information look at C:\cim\doc\net_install.txt)